Sheevaun's Forecast
Welcome to the April 2022 Cosmic Forecast
Welcome to the April 2022 cosmic forecast. It's a time where so many things can shift.
It's kind of like how the caterpillar can become the butterfly.
You're the caterpillar, or you are one type of butterfly and you're gonna become another type of butterfly. So metamorphosis is the thing this month. And if you really allow yourself to tap into your heart and really be a little less exacting, be a little kinder to your mind, your body, your shoulders, your cells, as you're kinder to you, you may notice that others aren't so kind, and they've gotten a little lackadaisical.
The challenge is bridging that gap and that kindness to somebody who's lackadaisical doesn't mean that you go after them with anger, but it does mean that you actually speak with clarity and love and intention and joy, because the most important thing that's happening right now is a long-held cycle that is circling back around for us in ways that are kind of tilting our energy.
So if you're feeling a little wobbly, then get more grounded. If you're feeling a little wobbly, then make sure to do some super brain yoga or do some squats because the planetary energy is shifting and it's getting pulled to kindness and violence and kindness and violence. And the kinder you are, the more that you're going to be able to receive and achieve and thrive in your health, in your body movement and flow in your prosperity and all things that you're working toward.
Make sure that you're moving toward something. Most people tend to move away from what they're trying to run away from but move towards something, meaning have a little bit of a plan and work toward that. Have a little bit of a plan and then work toward that. Does that make sense? So the energy is kindness is gonna get you kind of a superpower and it's gonna give you an opportunity to move toward what you want and achieve and receive what you want with more grace. It doesn't mean that it's gonna be easy, but it's definitely gonna be worth it.
Have an awesome month and see you soon!