The Cosmic Energy Forecast

Do You Have the Information You Need to Navigate the New Age? 

Learn why most psychics and readers are dead wrong about what's coming and setting innocent people up for struggle...

This one-of-a-kind monthly report delivers...
  • A concise report on the current conditions of the energy in our country and world
  • Insights on the collective consciousness influencing our world right now, and what you need to do to stay clear of negative influences
  • Specific energetic patterns that may affect business and commerce
  • Insight on finding your rhythm in this new cycle of evolution
  • Vital practices to keep you safe and prosperous

Learn how you can get yours today...

How to Use Your Cosmic Forecast

March 2023

Sheevaun's Forecast

January 2023

Sheevaun's Forecast

December 2022

Sheevaun's Forecast

November 2022

Sheevaun's Forecast

May 2022

Sheevaun's Forecast

January 2022

Sheevaun's Forecast

December 2021

Nick's Report

Sheevaun's Mid-Month Addendum