3 Ways You’re Quitting Without Even Realizing It!

When dealing with Energy there are so many factors. There is the body-mind connection and then there’s the actual prana (life force) that surrounds the body and then integrates with the body-mind connection.
Did you ever get a prescription for something and the dosing indicated that you take a full two weeks of the medicine…and then you just stop when you’re feeling mostly better?
Well, most people do this. In fact, doctors assume that you won’t take the full dose and even pharmaceutical companies assume this and thus make the dose a bit higher. We humans are funny in that we want the solution and we want it fast. But when it comes to following through to the full conclusion we more often than not jump ship.
This happens in folks who start their own businesses all the time. It’s sad because that’s just about when the energy is getting sorted out to get things really rocking.
It’s even sadder for those who are dealing in energetic remedies for the physical health and healing, mental shifts, emotional roller coaster, relationships, financial prosperity, and the spiritual journey.
I used to call it spiritual window shopping. Try one thing then another and another and claim that none of it really works. Well, how do you know unless you follow through for the full course?
We will eat a full course of food because it numbs us but to take our transformation to the fullest potential is … well, let’s just say when the feet usually start running away.
People will say “but I don’t want a business” when the truth is that having a checking account IS the very thing of having a business. It’s the business of life and one that we have to take care of regularly so why not get good at that and translate that into something even more soulful?
Folks will say, “I want a healing miracle,” like a client of mine long ago who wanted to avoid having triple bypass surgery and use the Energy Mastery® system for her entire healing solution. She was all in when she started because she was driven to stay out of the surgery room. But about halfway through our prescribed session amount (10 was the barest of minimum sessions we could get away with and get close to the result she wanted), she decided that she was feeling much better and she ought to stop!
She was doing much, much better and the scans were showing the progress. The challenge happened when she went back to her old ways full-time and used up all that good healing energy until it ran out. She was back into sessions and we ended up having to do another 15 from the start to ensure she remained out of surgery and was given the go-ahead from her doctor.
So you see, the quitting is what we’re taught to think is normal. It’s leading us to think and act lazily. When in fact an energy solution requires a full course to the wheel of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, relational and financial to all work together to the greatest end.
Here are 3 of the hidden signs that you might be quitting without even realizing it.
- You’ll hear yourself say, “I’ve got it, I’m good,” or “It’ll be fine.” This is actually a hidden program that most people don’t even realize they have, and it will set you up to quit well before you get to your finish line.
- You’ll start to get lazy with completing things. It will most likely show up in little ways at first. Lazy with your diet, messes accumulating around the house, spacing out and losing focus. Emails and texts piling up and going unanswered. You get the idea.
- You’ll break commitments with yourself. Just like the lady I mentioned before was committed to the Energy Mastery® System as her solution, then she quit before she was really done; She didn’t keep her commitment to herself, and it almost cost her big time! Maybe you’re not getting out of bed when you said you would. Maybe you’re not following through on your commitment to exercise regularly.
If you’ll quit in these little ways, you open the door to quit in big ways too, and then you won’t be able to trust yourself to really see it through when it really matters.
So, double down on your energy and working with it because it’s the very thing that is going to keep you healthy longer and even reverse some of the damage done from previous abuses.
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