Everything is Energy
This is a wonderfully exciting time to be alive. Today we have more access to all these things but here’s what’s new...
We have to learn the essence of how they work exactly for our own life, dreams, health, family, success, etc.
With modern wireless technology we are able to understand how energy works in our everyday lives in a much more practical way. Wifi is just about everywhere, but we’ve never ‘seen’ it. Does that make it any less powerful?
The downside is that this same technology has increased the pace of life and connectivity so much so that human beings are stretched just to keep up, and often feel disconnected, overwhelmed or frenetic.
It seems that our internal human technology has not kept pace with external advancements.
This actually has a MAJOR impact on health and well-being, but not always in obvious ways. This is critical to understand if you want to thrive in this world and tap into YOUR potential...
It starts with your mastering your health. And if you want to master your health, you need to master your ENERGY.
Big goals require big energy, and that starts with YOU. When you’re depleted, chaotic, or confused, it makes navigating your life 100x harder. Kind of like driving on the freeway with your car stuck in 1st gear; Hard on the car, hard on others around you, and SUPER slow!
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nicola Tesla
What quantum physics is just now proving is that...
...EVERYTHING is energy.
With more advanced technology, two important things are happening: First science now has the ability to track and understand subtle energy, bringing this conversation more into mainstream.
Second, and even more importantly, people are becoming more awake or sensitive to energy. A survey by Harvard indicated that more than 20% of the population is sensitive and more than ever our children are highly sensitive.
Being sensitive gives you the ability to sense beyond seeing, touching and tasting. Have you ever walked into a room and felt strange when just before you walked in that room you were feeling happy? That’s an energy residue and those types of energies are all around us, influencing our thoughts, hearts and attitudes.
Our bodies are highly attuned and the more we awaken to these interactions with our surroundings the more energetically sensitive and aware we are.
This is important because illness exists in the energy system BEFORE it manifests in the physical body.
So, if you learn how to solve it before it even gets into the physical body, you have the potential to NEVER get sick, or visit another doctor again. THIS FILLS A HUGE GAP IN OUR HEALTHCARE TODAY and why you’re here.
The sooner you gain mastery of these subtleties, the sooner you’re able to have more consistent VIBRANT energy and health.
Health challenges are just ONE of the ways problems with your energy will show up. These are a few ways to tell if your energy is off:
Waking up tired, and it takes a while to get focused.
You have chronic illnesses and ailments. Anything from headaches to more severe conditions.
Your health and attitude are affected by those around you (family, friends, co-workers).
Things start to go your way and then suddenly stop for no good reason leaving you constantly “waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
If one or more of these things are showing up in your life, you have the opportunity to make some important shifts that will improve your health, vitality, peace of mind and maybe even your prosperity.